Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Once a sketch, forever Paul.

I'm a big advocate of sketching and doodling. I never really know what's going to happen as I put the pencil down. I don't ever plan out what I'm going to draw, I just take direction from how the first few lines come out. Cartoons and illustrations are something that I've always loved. Even when I was a little kid, my mom would always tell people that I was going to be a cartoonist for Disney (ha!). The weird thing is, I've only done a hand full of finished, rendered illustrations. I get a lot of satisfaction out of seeing the final product and comparing it back to the original, hand drawn sketch. I'm definitely going to try to make more time to practice rendering my illustrations.

Anyways, this is one cartoon that I always came back to as I flipped through my sketch book. I decided to give this guy a proper life in vector form.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Crazy TAXI

While snooping around on agency websites, I came across one campaign that kept my attention for quite a while (I'm talking like a whole 6 minutes!). It was some stuff done by TAXI for Plan B, the morning after pill. I guess what caught my attention was the no-nonsense, straight to the point headlines. The what do you mean you think you just came pill. The I should've kept my panties on pill. and my personal favourite The I should've just swallowed instead pill.

A little risqué, I guess they really nailed their target.

Check it out here.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Blogs never die, adding to my portfolio and more nonesense.

I originally used this space to post my work as a type of make-shift portfolio. But now with a (semi) respectable portfolio online, I'm going to try and keep this place active with tidbits of my inner workings. I say that now, but we'll see what actually comes out.

Stay tuned: Portfolio additions!*

*I am not responsible for the amount of time you waste staying tuned.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Monday, November 7, 2011

Page 95

Recognize those ads at the top of the page? Of course you don't, but I do. These came along way from the last minute, freaky carrot finger sketch they started from.

Congrats to my team Matt Mantle and Margaret Cameron.


Saturday, November 5, 2011

It's your tongue.

Here's some headline driven ads written by a classmate.

Art: Ryan Speziale
Copy: Luke Skinner